My god... I don't understand why some people could not like the shadows effects on this art, I mean THAT is an awesome art, just... Bravo~
My god... I don't understand why some people could not like the shadows effects on this art, I mean THAT is an awesome art, just... Bravo~
Hahah Thanks so much! Really glad you liked it! ;)
It is a design choice and it may not be to everyone's liking, which is completely fine. Always good to see the both sides, helps moving forward =)
Thanks for the msg!
Hey, that's really cool ^^
Thank you!!
Nice painting, I understand that it is hard to rush with it...
Thank you. Rushing is never fun, but I still like it the result.
This is cute, you should make some more like this one :3
Thank you,Thingthing77I'm glad you like it.
Beaucoup de nos amis anglophone n'aurons pas noté le jeu de mots avec votre nom, mais moi je suis français x') enfin, très jolie dessin au passage ^^
Héhé, en effet. x) Merci !
This is beautiful, I mean, there is usually nothing better than a own hand made gift, and I totally understand what you feel by doing this, so yes, this is so beautiful <3
Thank you! I am so proud of this piece.
Sounds realistic x)
Thank you 💪.
I never knew how to draw, I just know how to burn (I make woodburnings), I think this is because I never draw much when I was a kid... thank you for your art, this is awesome <3
I've always wanted to try woodburning! And no one starts out knowing how, you just sort of start and go from there. It's never too late to start a new journey. Thank you as well!
I love your drawing style, very nice art ^^
Thank you!
What can I say... It's really cool and I like it, I just can't tell if it's a man or a women... But very nice art anyway ^^
its a man- thanku !!(´▽`ʃƪ)
Actually? I make Wood-Burning and i post picture of them only on newground and I might start to post somewhere else in the future...
Age 27, Male
Joined on 8/17/15